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About FDO

Organization rules(.pdf), in Finnish
Competition rules can be found at the Competitions -page

FDO's history », Finnish


The Organization's Presidium is elected yearly at the AGM. Presidium works for two years so that in every other year the president, Development and financial department, Communication and Marketing department and Disco Dance department are in retiring order. and every other year Performing Arts department, Latino Show department, Street Dance department and Competition department.

Jonna Suokas

Päivi Henttu
vice president

Performing Arts

Suvi Salmi, Tampere

Anitra Ahtola, Espoo
1. deputy member

Josephina Chelelgo, Tampere
2. deputy member

Street Dance

Heidi Hartzell, Oulu

Anni Lämsä, Helsinki
1. deputy member

Katri Miettinen, Helsinki
2. deputy member

Disco Dance

Rosa Blom, Turku

Jenni Jokikokko-Jakkula, Oulu
1. deputy member

Mary-Ann Sjölund, Inkoo
2. deputy member

Latin Show

Merja Satulehto, Oulu

Marjukka Koivuniemi, Oulu
1. deputy member

Minna Tanttu, Tampere
2. deputy member

Communications and Marketing Department

The mission of the department is to share information on the FDO website and social media platforms. We plan, develop and coordinate all aspects of FDO’s communication and marketing.

Kati Hukka, Lahti

Nina Auvinen, Helsinki
1. deputy member

Iina Aarni, Oulu
2. deputy member

Members of the Department
Niina Halvari, Oulu
Venla Noronen, Espoo
Netta Rekomaa, Helsinki
Jonna Sjögrén, Espoo
Jonna Suokas, Oulu
Linda Veijola, Helsinki
Raija Vuorinen, Helsinki

Competition Department

The mission of the Competition Department is to develop the competitional activities together with the Development and Financial Department. Competition Department searches the competition co-organizers, compiles competition timetables and educates competition volunteers. In addition the Competition Department develops result counting and organises the scruteers for the competitions.

Emilia Jakonen, Tuusula

Sharon Leinson, Espoo
1. deputy member

N.N. (position open)
2. deputy member

Members of the Department
Katjaa Ahtola, Helsinki
Lisbeth Hälikkä, Tampere
Johanna Luomala, Kuopio
Jonna Sjögrén, Espoo
Jonna Suokas, Oulu

Development and Training Department

The mission of the Department is to develop the activities of the organization in a versatile manner, to provide services to members and to co-operate with other organizations. The Department organizes together with the Discipline Departments different trainings for dancers, choreographers, judges and stakeholders. The Department will draw up the FDO budget and apply for grants for additional funding for the operation.

Päivi Henttu, Lahti

Mirelle Lund, Tampere
1. deputy member

Sanni Nylund, Nokia
2. deputy member

Members of the Department
Katjaa Ahtola, Helsinki
Nina Heino, Tampere
Leena Höysti, Espoo
Emilia Jakonen, Tuusula
Ella Kaidesoja, Espoo
Kristina Norri Seuranen, Helsinki
Jonna Suokas, Oulu
Emma Vikman, Kotka
Jessica Öller, Espoo