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Disco Dance

Disco Dance department

The Disco Dance department functions as the board’s link to dance schools, dance clubs and individual disco dancers all over Finland. The department strives to develop and promote Disco Dance and Disco Freestyle and also to increase the appreciation of these two dance styles. An important task for the Disco Dance department is to find different ways to collaborate with national and international actors within the field of dance. The department regularly communicates with dancers, teachers and choreographers to further develop the rules and competition procedures. New ideas and wishes are always appreciated!

Rosa Blom, Turku

Members of the department
Jenni Aaltonen, Rusko
Nea Blom, Turku
Janina Ilkka, Turku
Jenni Jokikokko-Jakkula, Oulu
Juulia Koskinen, Turku
Sharon Leinson, Espoo
Miisa Palkoranta, Helsinki
Anniina Salonen, Turku
Vera Seppälä, Helsinki
Sandra Sirviö, Inkoo
Mary-Ann Sjölund, Inkoo
Vera Seppälä, Helsinki
Sandra Sirviö, Inkoo
Mary-Ann Sjölund, Inkoo
Jessica Öller, Espoo

Disco dance

Disco Dance has evolved into a very physical and challenging sport, requiring speed, strength and flexibility. Disco Dance is danced to fast music (140 bpm) and is a mix of dance, gymnastics and aerobics. Disco Dance has no written movements or techniques to follow, but over time Disco Dance has developed a distinctive style and typical basic movements that are still used, developed and modified in each country and dance school. Typical hand movements include fast spins, stretches and strong powerful lines. These hand movements are combined with a variety of steps, the most common being kick and cross, kicks and jumps in different directions, and steps based on other forms of dance. Gymnastics and Ballet-based jumps, Jazz and Show Dance pirouettes and spins, and transitions complete the technical aspect of the sport - and the movements are adapted to an explosive style. Disco Dance is also characterized by different poses. Acrobatic movements are not allowed in disco dance.

A good Disco Dance performance combines the compatibility and versatility of movements, variations in rhythm and dynamics, strong dance techniques and versatile use of space. The energy, control and speed of the body play an important role in Disco Dance because the dancer must be able to be both controlled and very fast.

Aesthetics and image are also very important in Disco Dance. Colorful outfits decorated with for example rhinestones add to the dancer's visibility on the floor and completes the performance. A well-groomed overall appearance, as well as a dancer's personality and charisma, increase the power of the whole performance.

Disco freestyle

Disco Freestyle is based on Disco Dance movements but differs when it comes to acrobatics. In Disco Dance acrobatic movements are not allowed, and in Disco Freestyle acrobatics are an essential part of the dance. Acrobatics - the various aerial flips and other movements in which the body rotates completely around its longitudinal axis, must not dominate the choreography. Different tricks and the dance must form a balanced performance.

Disco slow

Slow is a genre based on Disco Dance where jumps, different poses and speed are combined with soft and elegant movements to ballad like music. The most important elements in this discipline are dancing with the whole body, musicality, and the ability to throw oneself into showing and feeling different emotions.