Donation sum must be over 1 euro


FDO Mix series

You can participate these series with any dance style. Show, street, disco dance, latin show, folk dance, jazz, flamenco, balet, modern, contemporary, all styles are allowed!

All styles showcase -series

All styles showcase general series can be participated with any dance style. All music styles and rhythms are allowed. The choreography can consist of one or many dance style or rhyhms.

All styles showcase erityisryhmät (=special groups) is a competition serie for those who struggle buildging a dance piece due their mental or physical limitation. All styles showcase special group dance style are now limited.

Production Cup

Productions have no limits to dance styles and you can combine different styles how ever you like. Production groups must have atleast 25 dancers but there is no maximum limit.

In the Cup competition the groups collect points and after the last partial race we announce the Cup Master. Winner is the one group that has collected most points. Groups can participate 1-3 competitions, but to win the Master titel they must participate at least 2 competitions.

Cup points can get from one competition so that the winner gets ten (10) points, second gets eight (8) points, third gets six (6) points, fourth gets five (5) points, fifht gets four (4) points, sixth gets three (3) points, seventh gets two (2) points and eighth gets one (1) point. If there are fewer competing groups, no smaller points will be awarded.

If there are many groups in equal points the following rules apply:

  1. Number of participations
  2. Victories
  3. The relative order of the last joint competition of the groups in draws after the wins. In the event of a tie, the final event will be decisive.

The winner of the whole  Cup will be awarded with the titel of Production Master and a challange cup.

In 2025 production cup partial races are danced in the following competitions:
Performing Arts IKM & SM 1 2025
Performing Arts IKM & SM 2 2025
Lapset ja aikuiset 2 & 3 IKM 2025

Synchro Dance

In Synchro Dance category you can compete with any dance style or rhythm. In Synchro Dance the dancers dance the whole performance doing the same movements, in the same formation and as simultaneous and consistent as possible. Canons and mirror movements are not allowed. The formation should move on te dance area. Directions can be used so that the dancer turns on his/her own place without changing places or changing the formation. On the last 20seconds is allowed to change formations and places.

Open marked series

Series marked with Open are open also for non-members. You only need to pay the competition licence and the competition fee to enter. These series are usually style specific (for example Disco Dance soolo aikuiset 1 Open).

Open series  are danced in 2025 at these competitions:

You can find more the detailed series in the information section on each competition on the Upcoming competitions page.